Elite Self Defense Forum

Community => Demonstration Team => : sweetsunny21 January 16, 2008, 10:47:23 PM

: Elite Team Update
: sweetsunny21 January 16, 2008, 10:47:23 PM
Hi Everyone- just an update on 2008's Elite Team.  We have 14 members, last year there was 8.  We actually have 8 girls!!!  Everyone is doing a great job at practices and we are looking forward to performing.  Last week we tried our first three hour practice and the team did a GREAT job!!!  You can get a lot done in three hours.  In the future I will try to remember to post future performances so y'all can be sure to see one of them.  This year's performance will be different than last years!  Hope y'all are training hard and have a great new year! Jen :)

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